
Make Money & Thrive

$1,159 without showing your face

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Did you know that you can make money without ever showing your face online?

That's right – with Affiliate Marketing and the right strategy, you can earn $1,000 to $3,000 or even more money online every MONTH!

Here's the thing though:

You have to keep doing the work until it pays off!

One thing that helped my on the way to a more successful business was being conscious of my goals and acting on them daily. When I wanted to grow my first website, I set a daily goal of researching 5 keywords and writing a minimum of 1000 words per day. That's not too much work, it's very doable and it gave me a sense of achievement, which is super important in order to keep doing the work.

I want to invite you to do the same. Start setting small goals for yourself that you can achieve every day. Do them, feel great about it and keep doing the work until successful.

So today, maybe just do the next lesson in the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course. Or finish the assignment of the last lesson, depending on where you're at.

The course and it's assignments are created in a way that if you follow the course while completing the assignments, you'll build your business while you're learning how to do it.

You'll see that if you keep doing the work, day by day, you'll be successful.

All the best and have a great rest of the week!

Make Money & Thrive

Sandro Schätz

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one thing that helped my on the way to a more successful business was being conscious of my goals and acting on them daily. When I wanted to grow my first website, I set a daily goal of researching 5 keywords and writing a minimum of 1000 words per day. That's not too much work, it's very doable and it gave me a sense of achievement, which is super important in order to keep doing the work. I want to invite you to do the same. Start setting small goals for yourself that you can achieve every...

over 1 year ago • 1 min read
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